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Mon, 17 Jun 2002

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posted 13:16 section Europe2002/Oceania/Australia/Before Leaving ( all photos )

Sick at home ( No photos )
The nasty flu-thingy has bitten me and I'm spending some time at home today.
Nothing heard back from my Visa application yet (suprise). We've been organising all sorts of little things that need to be organised before we can go away - changing the memory in my laptop, trying to get my phone repaired, buying suitcases and cold-weather gear, etc.
Oh, and I've organised an interview for someone to take over my job at work, which is kinda weird but I went to uni with her, so I know she's capable!
We've almost decided to buy a car for UK, then put off the combi purchase until Europe (ie. February 2003-ish), for the following reasons:

Until next time...
(permanent link to this story)
