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Wed, 26 Jun 2002

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posted 08:36 section Europe2002/Oceania/Australia/Before Leaving ( all photos )

Fitzroy Falls ( No photos )
I'm away on the Sydney South East band camp, which is for kids years 5-7 who are pretty good musicians for their age. I'm tutoring sax, which is always lots of fun!
My Visa is back - a fairly good turn around time, all things considered. If only their process could be dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th (yes, 20th) century. This means that I now have a Visa (erm, sorry, "Entry Clearance") for my entry into the UK, and a Passport as well! Good stuff.
The only real outstanding as far as I know so far is to find a home for Lucky. If you, or anyone you know is interested in a female Blue Cattle Dog, we have just the one for you!

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