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Mon, 02 Dec 2002

author Tim location Beckenham, Kent, London, England
posted 08:19 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/London 3 ( all photos )

A place to live? ( 7 photos )
Well, we have been galavanting all around London these past few days looking at places to live. There's so many to choose from, and a lot (though not all) of them are pretty good, with very nice people.
We have chosen a place up in North London in a place called Golders Green. It is two minutes drive from the M1 (major motorway into London), two minutes walk from the tube (which goes straight to Kings Cross and Leicester Square), and has a large amount of other things going for it.
We are heading up there tonight for a meet and greet with all the other household members (like everything else we can actually afford, it is a share house with four others - three Aussies and a Kiwi). The ones moving out however aren't planning on doing so for almost three weeks. Although the manager of the B&B (view out our window) is being great in letting us have this room for as long as we want at the current cheap price, it's quite cramped, and a reasonable distance from the Centre of London. We'll keep you posted with the progress, of course.

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