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Tue, 10 Dec 2002

author Tim location Beckenham, Kent, London, England
posted 21:45 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/London 3 ( all photos )

-7 celsius! ( 19 photos )
Well, that's the temperature when you include the wind chill factor. It's around 2-4 if you don't - the winds are truly cutting. And it's only just started being winter!
The last few days have seen a few things get better. Liz has done one shift at work, doing what they call "Escorting". Basically, she helped a well-to-do old resident of a well-to-do nursing home place into and out of a taxi, pushing the wheelchair around, etc. while he had to go to a hospital for a test.
She must have impressed, she's got three more shifts out of them already - Friday, Monday and Thursday nights! Remember, she hasn't got her actual Nursing Registration through yet (come on, it's only been nine months), so this is slightly more menial tasks. However, the money coming in (well, when it does) is a lot better than none at all. Especially in pricy London.
Oh, and when she was in the taxi, the driver noted that it was snowing! Sure, you wouldn't know unless someone told you, but it's still snow!!
I've made some progress, actually getting to have a decent conversation with a few of the phone-drone recruiting people, and one actually understood what it is that I do! There's one job in my "strong lead" pile at the moment, and a few more on the way.
In case you're interested in the ever-exciting insurance saga, it's now all sorted out. Maybe. Since our second cover note had expired this morning, I decided that waiting two months for the two return phone calls I had been promised was getting a bit much, and rang them back. At the end of it all, we've settled on a reasonable (but not amazing) price, whereby they ignore any past no-claim bonus. It was just all too hard for them, despite all the paperwork we had organised. We were quite close to selling the car and giving it all up this afternoon, but that was averted.
As a celebration, we took Percy for a drive for the first time in two weeks, albeit only to the other end of Beckenham in search for something new to eat. We settled on a Spanish Tapas Bar, where the food was great and suprisingly cheap.
Other things we have done recently include me today finishing up my look around the Museum of London, another trip to Bromley, a visit to Covent Garden and the Covent Garden Walkabout pub (an Aussie pub chain, complete with Aussie beer and plenty of Aussies - nice to see now and then).
We're relaxing watching TV tonight, and soon "Extreme Ironing" is coming on TV. Yes, it really is what it sounds like. Truly Bizarre.
We are of course looking forward to moving into our new place on Sunday.

(permanent link to this story)
