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Sun, 26 Jan 2003

author Tim location Golders Green, Greater London, England
posted 18:49 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

Liz is a Nurse! ( 64 photos )
Well almost. She rang up on Friday to see what was happening, and they actually had her registration sitting there on someone's desk since the day before! Imagine that. So, she quite rightly insists that it be couriered out to her as soon as possible. No problems, they said, it will definitely be delivered before twelve noon Saturday.
This was to be a minor inconvenience to us, as we had plans for Saturday, but were prepared to wait since it has now been almost ten months since she first started applying, and she (and I aswell) need some form of closure on this.
We woke early, Liz not daring to go for a walk (for it was fantastic weather and we were both home) or take a shower incase they came to the door (she has to sign for it).
Twelve O'clock came. Then one, and before you know it it was five, our day had disappeared and there was no sign of any couriers. Ho-hum.
So we spent the day together, not even stepping a foot out of the house, but enjoying putting our feet up none the less.

Liz spent the week pottering around and looking through museums - the Science Museum and the Museum of London.

Today, we decided to squish Saturday's plans in aswell. This involved driving out to High Wycombe, the place of Mum and Dad's residence here in the mid-70s, and about 25 miles from our place in Golders Green.
I had a short chat to the guy who lives there now, who was quite rude and not really interested in being helpful. However, as we wandered back later, I noticed that there is a sign outside the house saying that they sell honey! What better way to meet and greet, telling the story. The mother proved to be more chatty, but alas had no honey to sell me - it was awaiting bottling later this week. So if we make it back at a later stage, there is the possibility that she will let me in to have a look around, which would be great!
After a walk around the nearby park with associated Sunday rugby kids, we headed into town to have a look at the high street. A few more photos of the place where Dad used to work, before we headed back to Golders Green.

Of course, today is Australia Day. Not ones to let such an event slip by un-noticed, we decided that a good old Aussie-style BBQ was required. Crowded House blaring out on the radio, Ryan and I created the heat and flipped the meat which Liz and Chantelle had done a great job of preparing.
The strange thing was that we hear that due to total fire bans, even if we were back in Sydney, we couldn't have had a barbie at all! So our wet, slippery-grounded, smoky-coal-powered-fire meal was about the best Australia Day meal we could have managed anywhere.
That's not to say that we don't miss standing up for 12 hours parking cars with SES like must have happened today, but we hear even the fireworks were cancelled - what happened there?
Curiously for London, the weather held out and the sunset was fantastic.

We have decided to go on the tour to Gallipoli for ANZAC day (roughly April 18th-30th). The particular one we think we are going to do is this one. It is eight days, and takes in all major places we are interested in seeing in Turkey, including of course the dawn service.
We plan to fly in with British Airways (the cheapie airlines don't fly that far!), and get there a few days early and have a look around Istanbul on our own. Hopefully we can book it all tomorrow.

(permanent link to this story)
