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Sat, 08 Feb 2003

author Tim location South Quay, Docklands, Greater London, England
posted 12:28 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

Weekend at Work ( No photos )
So here I am, sitting at work on a Saturday, doing absolutely nothing. I'm over at our "contingency site" (which is an entire separate building, complete with duplicate computers and everything, incase the other one gets bombed. Gulp.), where I am on hand to assist with any problems which may occur as they test things.
None so far.
The (I think) final word on my contract at work is that I am staying in this job until mid-April, working almost all day shifts (due to the other UNIX guy Emmanuel wanting to work all the night shifts), with a small increase in pay. Things do tend to work themselves out in the end.

Liz has had a bad headache for most of the week, and her not being able to register with a local doctor (long story) here isn't helping that. It seems to be better today, after our big night our last night. Perhaps it was something in the Indian...
She has been chasing work a bit more, but it seems that her agency is going down the drain and hence doesn't have much work to give her. Since there is clearly lots of work out there somewhere, she has been looking into other avenues, including registering with another agency who she hopes can place her in a "line" of work. This means she works in the one place for a month or longer, but under agency conditions. Or perhaps she can get placed in a full-time position. It's all very draining on her, she's wishing she had never bothered registering in the first place.
There's a few more friends heading over here in the near future, including Joel Sarakula and Stuart Heldon, so it will be good to see some more familiar faces.

Later that day...
We are spending a night in today, getting some home-delivery with Taija and her friend Kirsty, which should prove nice and relaxing after my boss forced me to spend most of the afternoon at the nearby pub in a "team building" exercise. Who am I to resist?

(permanent link to this story)
