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Thu, 13 Feb 2003

author Tim location Spittalfields, Greater London, England
posted 13:31 GMT section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

An Imbalance of Work ( No photos )
Needless to say, I have been giving the guys at work plenty about England's soccer/football loss, and there's some great headlines here as the tabloids pull no punches against their national team.
Back in the real world, Liz is still having a lot of trouble finding work, her latest contact sounding not quite as good as she was hoping. It's so much hassle signing up with other agencies, so she is trying to avoid that if possible.
I have been lucky enough to be working plenty (yay overtime!), including one night where I was here till just after midnight, then had to be back at work at 8:30. As the deadline approaches, there's lots to do. And with the major disaster which were actually in fixing that night (no details can be published!), it drove home just how big a project this one is. The press are keeping an eye on it, with huge countdown reminders, just in case we forget.
The rest of the week has been just mostly work for me, while Liz has been out and about at the movies (she saw Chicago), attempting to volunteer some of her time at the Battersea Dogs Home (they merely regurgitated what it says on the website - that she has to fill in a form and wait), and generally exploring areas of London.
I'd really love to spend more time looking around with her, but this week work is ruling. Bad timing, what with Valentines Day tomorrow (we have a table booked at a Mediterranean restaurant in Edgware), Peter Bowyer arriving tonight to stay for three nights (he's going along to the anti-war protest in London on Saturday), and Liz's birthday on the 20th (send her birthday wishes!), this is not going to be a good time to have a go-live date.

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