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Wed, 12 Mar 2003

author Liz location Cricklewood, Greater London, England
posted 09:27 GMT 16/03/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

Scratched Car! ( No photos )
On Wednesday I went to pick the car up from its service. I payed up the £250 and went out to the car - to discover a scratch in the drivers door, and chunks missing out of the plastic trim. After paying that much money, I wasn't terribly impressed, so I went back inside to complain. Someone came out and looked at the damage, and tried to tell me it looked like the scratch had been there for quite a while. I was furious, because I guess he thought I might back down and not make them repair it. Anyway, he said he would call me to arrange a bodywork appointment, which he never did. I got Tim to call the garage yesterday to find out what was going on, and they tried to suggest we had to pay to have it fixed! So now, I am taking the car back up there tomorrow to have it fixed, and probably to argue with them that I will not be paying for the repair.
Anyway, the rest of my day was spent looking for more work, and being a bit lazy and reading on the lounge for a few hours :)

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