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Sat, 22 Mar 2003

author Tim location Spittalfields, London, England
posted 18:51 GMT 25/03/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 1 ( all photos )

Camden, Mill Hill East, The Crown ( 29 photos )
After first heading down to the parking shop to get some more "visitors passes" which let Percy have a place to sleep (we have decided to just keep getting these as it is much less hassle than trying to get a proper resident's permit and will probably work out the same cost), we then drove him back and parked him, noting where the previous body damage had been fixed during the week.
Down to the local hairdressers for a much needed pair of haircuts, where the rude woman promptly ignored pretty much everything I had asked for and cut lots more off than I wanted before I realised what she was doing. Oh well, it will grow back.
On the Thameslink to Camden Town (changing at Kentish Town), we spent the morning avoiding the advances of body piercers, chinese food sellers and other more questionable things as we took in the over-dose of culture that is Camden Markets.
We had been aiming to attend a beer festival that day, but the organisers organised a beer festival to finish during the day on Friday. Is it just me or is there something fundamentally wrong with that? So instead, we continued our wanderings before heading home.
For a couple of pretty weak reasons, we decided to head up to the sort-of-end-of-the-line tube station at Mill Hill East. Firstly, it was just something we wanted to be able to say that we had, but secondly, we wanted to pass over the highest viaduct in the tube system, which was actually fairly un-impressive.
Ten minutes sitting at the end of the tube line (note new haircut) later, we rattled back south, changed at Kentish Town en-route to Cricklewood.
Deciding to make up for the lack of the beer festival, we organised for Joel to come to The Crown (pub across the road) for a few drinks, arriving just in time to watch Liz and I eat our dinner after watching Die Another Day on the laptop.
This was the first time we actually had a look around the place properly, and we hadn't realised how big it was. There were two different private parties upstairs (we accidentally wandered into one and would have stayed but it was too crowded). We eventually got comfortable in some huge chairs in the back room where a band was setting up.
To summarise, we had a great night dancing to well-played pub-rock/pop music played by two guitarist/vocalists (with Joel and myself both doing cameo performances on tamborine!), and made some new friends including one Scotsman from Falkirk (we have been there - that's where that silly wheel thing is) who would have been hard to understand even if he had he had not been drinking since 7am, but considering that he had...
Strangely enough, they didn't close until 1am or so which was not at all what we were expecting - and very strange considering we have been tucked into bed early for many months now.

(permanent link to this story)
