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Sat, 03 May 2003

author Tim location the 17:02 Thameslink to St. Albans, London, England
posted 17:06 BST 06/05/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 2 ( all photos )

Cabinet War Rooms ( 13 photos )
Awaking on Saturday morning, we took stock of what we wanted to do with our long weekend (Monday was a bank holiday). After having a look over what we want to see in the few remaining weeks we have in London, we decided to head into the centre of town to have a look at the much-recommended Cabinet War Rooms, right next to Number 10 Downing Street.
This is where Churchill and his off-siders effectively ran the British side of World War II from, in secrecy under several metres of bomb-proof concrete. Many of the rooms have been kept exactly as the were left as the various "enemies" surrendered, making the place a fascinating insight into how it must have been during those years.
After are audioguide tour was over (an increasingly-popular way of running a guided tour of these touristy sites - like an over-grown mobile phone which rabbits on at you as you wander around the place), we walked across the road for a bite to eat at the pub - quite different food to what we were eating only a week ago in Turkey.
Next on our wanderings was a bit of shopping - some books about caravan parks around Europe, then trip to the Australia Shop for some much-needed supplies of real food, badges and Aussie-flag stickers for the combi, before we wandered back to City Thameslink for the journey back to Cricklewood.

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