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Sun, 18 May 2003

author Tim location Saltney, Chester, Cheshire, England
posted 08:02 BST section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 2 ( all photos )

More Family Members Met ( 22 photos )
We have just awoken on Sunday, to face the reason that so many of the Holladay family have gathered here - the Chester Half-Marathon. Liz and I aren't personally running, and even the Holladay contingent seems depleted this year, but we will be there giving some moral support at the finish line.

(Continued 08:45 BST 19/05/2003, from Spitalfields, London, England)
Carol prepared us a great breakfast, giving us just enough energy to wander up and watch the runners about one mile from the finish line. Andrew set the fastest time, just under 1:29, while the two brothers Norman and Dave stepped over the line together at just over two hours.
Being right on the outskirts of Chester, there is lots of parkland, and even horses around the place. We wandered back through all of this, just dodging the rain.
A little while after we had arrived back at the house, the runners stumbled in and collapsed on the floor. Carol had prepared a great meal for all of us which dissapeared rather quickly, topped off with some home-made apple pie.
More chatting with these extended family followed, reminding Liz and I often of our missed family and friends back home.
At around three o'clock, James led the way as we drove South to London. He managed to hold his speed back to that of the bus until we made it to the motorway, but then with a wave, he was gone.
Rosie trundled home with only a quick stop for fuel (she uses quite a bit more than Percy...), where we had only a snacky dinner before bed.

(permanent link to this story)
