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Sun, 25 May 2003

author Tim location Cricklewood, London, England
posted 21:50 BST 03/06/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 2 ( all photos )

Farnborough Again ( No photos )
A very lazy Sunday morning saw us watching Matrix on DVD, in preparation to go and see Matrix Reloaded (which we still haven't done).
Dragging ourselves out of bed, we took a trip way across London to Farnborough, where we have been a few times before. We rushed and rushed (well, as fast as four or five different modes of public transport could take us) down there to try to get there before 2pm to have pub lunch at the great Change of Horses pub there, got there about 1:58 only to find out they served lunch until 3! Very rare around here. In the end the weather turned foul fairly quickly, so we took a trip down to the church where Liz's grandparents are buried with some flowers we picked up in Beckenham on the way through.
Electing to return a slightly different way, we made our way back to Beckenham then took the tram to Croydon. This is a nice little place we have looked around before, we were aiming for the markets (a little late unfortunately) and then the Walkabout. This is the main chain of Aussie pubs around the place, there's quite a few in London but the Croydon is by far the nicest (in our opinion anyway).
We retuned by the more direct method of the Thameslink straight back to Cricklewood from East Croydon.

(permanent link to this story)
