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Fri, 13 Jun 2003

author Tim location Fishguard, Pembrokeshire, Wales
posted 21:41 BST 18/06/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/UK/England/London/Working in London 2 ( all photos )

Goodbye to House-mates ( No photos )
Friday afternoon, people from both our jobs suddenly became nice to us and seemed to genuinely regret that we were leaving. At least the several job offers Liz recieved means that if we need to head back here at any stage, that could happen.
That evening, we had organised a night out with the people from our house - those that could make it were Carlo, Nicole and the other Liz. This was again down at the Brondes Age (spelt it right this time) restaurant, which apparently is a bit of a house tradition. We capped off a good night by wandering down to one of the Aussie Pubs in Kilburn, where my plan of not coming to the other side of the world to pretend you are back home seemed to have been a good one. Plenty of Aussies do, however, and we chatted awhile before wandering back to the house.

(permanent link to this story)
