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Tue, 26 Aug 2003

author Liz location Meißen, Sachsen, Deutschland
posted 10:48 CEST 28/08/2003 section Europe2002/Europe/Deutschland/Deutschland 2 ( all photos )

South to Dresden ( No photos )
We got up bright and early, and again made our way into Berlin. We went back to the Visa department of the Czech Republic, where Tim filled out forms to get a visa. Unfortunately it takes three to five working days for the visa to become valid, so we are now waiting for it to come through and travelling around this part of Germany for a few days.
We found a small café and had tea and coffee, then decided to go back to the caravan park and get on the road. Back at the caravan park we packed up, paid the grumpy staff member who had a dummy spit about Tim disturbing his lunch to give him money, and drove south out of Berlin.
It was not a big drive - about 180km to Dresden, but we stopped for some lunch about half way.
In Dresden, finding the caravan park we had chosen proved to be very difficult, especially as, like all the old Communist areas of Germany, most of Dresden was undergoing major roadworks so many signposts were missing. In the end we found Campingplatz Dresden-Mockritz, and it was quite a nice one. We got some food from the local supermarket and spent the afternoon relaxing with Tim cooking up a storm on the barbie.

(permanent link to this story)
